Boba 4.45 is an amazing phrase, one that has lots of meaning, it all beings with a great story: one day a wild boba panda auctioned a golden eevee for
120 minutes and had a NaN
buyout and a person named bomber
pinged golden auction pinged then a person named thiccdaddy
bidded 100k then lord_xdc bidded 2m then it took 4 minutes for someone else to bid thatt person was pepperoni bandit for 2.1m then lord_xdc bidded 2.15m then pepperoni bandit bidded 2.25m then lord_xdc bidded 2.
5m then our boy diiego bidded 2.55m then
peely bidded 2.
6m then our boy dieego bidded 2.
7m then pepperoni bandit bidded to
3m!. then peely bidded 3.05m then someone named siroraegano bidded 3.1m then pepperoni bandit bidded 3.15m at the 1 hour mark. then the bot restarted so avi had to reauction at 46 minutes then avi
bids then it hits 10 minute mark then some random people bid until nick from offb bids 4.15m at
4m left then rich bids 4.21m then
shiba bids 4.45m at 0m then it extends then shiba wins
This word ended up becoming one of the most known words, the word itself means "Peace and Power"