In the esoteric world the different variations of the Swatika has a deep spiritual meaning. In
laymans terms it goes something like this: The horisontal line represets counciousness/mind. The vertical line represents energy. The four
angeled "end lines" signify the movement of the
Swastika. The righthand and lefthand schools of
tantra disagree upon which versions of the Swastika is beneficial or not. But they are in agreement that the one spinning clockwise represents creation, and the other the movement back to pure consciousness. The lefthand tantrikas rejoice in finding illumination through entering the world fully. Maxing the stimulation of all senses until transcendence occurs. The righthand tantrikas seek to withraw from the world to find unity with the
Parama Purusha (supreme counciousness). Hence the quarrel which version of the Swastika is the "good" one.