Yup is a generic term of agreement issued often by a non-listening party, typically used while performing an additional important task, such as
watching tv.
If you are the
yupper, by
yupping someone, you are not bound in any sense by your agreement, since you didn't hear what it was you were agreeing to. If you are later asked to perform the task, you then have
the option to admit that you had yupped the person and ignore the task, or pretend that you had really listened & just go along with the yuppee.
If you are the yuppee, and you recognize that you are being yupped, you can call the
yupper's actions & state "you're yupping me" or "I'm being yupped", whereupon the yupper may admit the yupping action and feel mild embarrassment, but there will be no permanent damage.
yupping, being yupped, yupper, yuppee are all derived from the root 'yup'