"Sning" is a magical character from, "Bearing An
Hourglass" (a fantasy novel by
Piers Anthony. It is the second of eight books in the Incarnations of
Immortality series.)
A demonic, though benign, creature, it takes the form of a
ring in the shape of a snake (where it gets the name Norton gave it, standing for SNake rING). While not omniscient, Sning has an incredible amount of information, and appears to be able to learn many things about creatures just by touching them. It can respond to any question asked of it by squeezing the
wearer's finger – one squeeze for yes, two for no, three for uncertainty, complex answers, or inability to answer (for example, if the asker foolishly poses a non-yes/no question). It can also answer with squeezes representing a number, though Sning is actually quite
bad at math, much to its embarrassment. In addition, it is capable of coming alive briefly, scouting an area, and reporting back. While alive, it is approximately
six inches long, though it is shown that he can grow, and also poisonous. Its poison is strong enough to make a creature the size of a man sick for several hours, but not to kill.
Sning has a long and complex history.
"Sning Piers Anthony "Bearing An Hourglass" snake ring SNake rING fantasy novel Incarnations of Immortality