
An amazing person who respects anything that demonstrates an attribute of life and emotion. Someone who thinks of others more often than thyself. One who stands out with a warmhearted personality if only people would look deeper into the grace of a human. Venn is someone who can bring joy and hope to a person who has suffered. Someone who can be of comfort, though they are not present. Has a beauty on the inside as well as out. Someone who values life, rather than looking at all of it's inconveniences. The kindness that bleeds from Venn is so pure, it's not possible to imitate it. Someone who can make a person laugh until the get they hiccups. Like a rose that grows vividly in the snow, you never notice Venn, until you look farther out in the field. Venn is someone I have found.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to venn's. Some of the top words include: gorgeousnessnicity, Hyperion, pimp-ass, God Master, teh tasty, and 25 more.